Cobb Elementary Science Fair
Saturday, April 26, 2025
8:30 am- 2:30 pm
This event will be held in-person for the 2024-2025 School Year
Cobb County Science Fair information and Registration
The Elementary Science Fair is a wonderful way for elementary-aged students to participate in and experience a scientific project. Each science fair project must consist of a student-led scientific investigation (following accepted scientific methods).
The Cobb County Elementary Science Fair will be for participants in Grades 1-5. Kindergarten students will be allowed to participate in local school fairs, but will not advance to the county level fair.
Five top-place science fair winners from each school will be accepted to the Cobb District Science Fair.
Schools should not to allow students to experiment with molds or bacteria of any kind, as these can be particularly hazardous to student health. These projects will not be allowed at the Cobb County Elementary Science Fair.
Models, including volcanoes or robots, will not be accepted as experiments.
Keep in Mind -- Parents are encouraged to guide students but not build the project. Remember, a good project is planned and developed over a period of time.